Such An Amazing Connection

What an amazing journey we have.  Who would ever think that we all are going to meet in Kalihi, where Living Faith Baptist Church is at?  Some of you have come from different places.  

I was born in the Philippines, finished college in California and moved to Hawaii 24 years ago.  Your journey too has been very exciting and now we are in this boat taking the voyage of our lifetime.  

The Lord had one design for the church, that is to give glory and honor to the Father above.  I hope and pray that we will do just that.  In every worship, in every ministry, in every fellowship and and in very service, let’s not forget to say “that’s for you Lord.”  

If you make this a habit, your next few destinations will become colorful and exciting.  Keep shining for Jesus.  If you have missed our social ministry every first friday of the month, dont miss the big upcoming Easter celebrations.   There are also small groups of your age group throughout the week that you can connect.  Don’t forget to grow with us by signing up for the Bible Reading Program.  

I want to thank you for being a part of this journey.

In His Service, 

Pastor Bong


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