Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

The Lord's timing is perfect however you look at it.  The Bible reminds us to put our hope in Him.  It is not just the right thing to do but a "good" way because we can easily recognize the salvation of the Lord.  

When Jesus was born on earth, everyone was busy.  But the shepherds weren't and the wise men were not. Because of their spirit, they saw and beheld the salvation of the Lord - who is Jesus Christ Himself.   This Christmas, take the time, step back, and wait, it just might be the best thing you will do this season. 

I want to thank you for your patience.  Even though our Christmas service on Christmas Day was cancelled, the day following is Sunday and a perfect day for worship.  Join us in person or online as we bid farewell to 2021.  Another good news is that the Community Food Distribution with :Waipahu Community Christian Church went well.   

I pray for all of you.  Be strong, be vigilant and do everything you can to protect yourself and never lose your focus on Jesus.  The headline this season is not Omicron, but our Savior - Christ the Lord.  He is Immanuel, God with us.  Don't forget to leave a comment below or click share to send to someone this Christmas update.  

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Pastor Bong        


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