
Showing posts from October, 2021

No Compromise Here!

 What an amazing Sunday that we had.   I praise God for visiting guests and those who regularly come.  We miss many of you and we are praying for God's safety over you.   We were reminded through God's word last Sunday to never compromise.  Some good news from Jesus,  "...I know how you remained true  and you did not renounce your faith in me..."   (Rev. 2:13).  God is delighted and honored when the church in Pergamum walked in loyalty to Him despite of the pressures and the persecution around.   More than ever, God is looking for faithfulness today.   May you walk in Him and be found in his word.    I want to encourage you to invite someone to the upcoming Harvest Arts Camp on October 30-31.   Keep yourself on the loop for the many ways to get involve at Living Faith Baptist Church.   We love you and pray God richly bless you.  Leave us a comment below and don't forget to visit our website for more ways to connect at . Aloha,  Pastor Bong