
Showing posts from August, 2021

Its Simple!

We complicate things.  When I was working at United Parcel Service, we were taught how to manage complaints.  After a seminar, i was given a thick binder entitled, Here Is How You Handle Complaints.  It's ye-q inch thick binder.  I left thst seminar scratching my head.  God simplify things however.  When asked what is the great commandment, Jesus responded, "Love the Lord your God... and likewise love your these two hang all the commandments."  You see God gave 10 commandments to Moses but by the end of the Old Testament Era, the Jews imposed 600+ laws to follow.   Jesus made things simple.  Just like going to heaven, he said there's only one way.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Here at Living Faith, we go with simple things.  You come - be blessed.  Now that's simple.  Thank you for coming to Living Faith Baptist Church.  Come back again and be blessed more.