
Showing posts from July, 2021

We Want To Say Thank You

  Aloha!   I want to thank you for attending Living Faith Baptist Church.   Your presence was a great addition and I could not thank you enough for fellowshipping and studying the Word of God with us.    I want to say thank you in return and would like to ask if we can visit with you in - person or online.   My churchmates and I can visit with you either on Wednesday or Thursday evening.   The visit will not take more than 30 minutes but it is long enough for us to make a connection with you again.    Thank you for your time and I hope we can connect soon.  In His Sevice,  Pastor Bong    July, 20, 2021

An Environment Worth Developing

Thank you for choosing to worship with us at Living Faith Baptist  Church last Sunday.   We are grateful for your presence.   Last Sunday, we learned how to cultivate a meaningful time together as a church.   The Bible says,  For just as  the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body,  so it is with Christ."   (1 Corinthians 12:12).     Despite our differences, God calls us one body.   For us to work together we stated four core values we embrace:  authenticity, mutuality, sympathy, and mercy.   As an authentic member, I pursue what's real.  In mutuality, I prepare not only to receive but also to give.  In sympathy, I feel what others feel and in mercy, I extend forgiveness especially when it is hard.    I hope that these four characteristics guide you in pursuing meaningful relationships.   I hope you consider Living Faith Baptist Church to be your faith community.   Please don't hesitate to send me an email at michaelaba

Let's go! Let's grow!

  I want to thank you for coming to Living Faith Baptist Church.  Our goal is that you get to know Jesus in a most personal way. Our study focuses on growing in Christ.   In John chapter 3, Jesus received a visit from a religious leader who presumably know and closer to G compared to everyone else.  Interestingly, Jesus knew he was spiritually bankcrupt so He led him to a series of growth discussion:  - be born again to go to heaven - it is the Holy Spirit who will born again a person  - finally, it is through the Son that one can have everlasting life. The succession of topic shows growth and progress.  My prayer is that you grow in Jesus.  We hope you continue to give Living Faith Baptist Church a chance to grow yiu in the faith.   In His Service, Pastor Bong